Money is on the minds of most people when they handicap horse races and make bets. In fact, for many of us, getting money and using it as wisely as we can is the thing on which we spend the most effort and time. While shirt sleeve philosophers point out that money can't bring happiness and the things in life that are most important aren't things at all, poverty usually means that the pursuit of happiness will be on a back burner until prosperity is back on her perch.
In other words, it's about the money. That doesn't mean that it should be drudgery, though, and horse racing handicapping can be an intellectual sport that you enjoy. In fact, the more you enjoy it the more likely you are to stay fresh, keep an open mind, and win. Therefore, though you may have a handicapping system that you try to stick to or a routine that seems to work or almost work, don't get stuck in a rut.
Do you remember the first time you saw a horse race? Do you remember your first trip to a race track? Wasn't it fun? Granted, you may have seen the money changing hands and thought that you'd like to get a piece of that pie, but you probably also thought that it was a fun way to make money. Only when you started working at learning how to handicap and manage money properly did you realize how much work it is.
Think of how you feel about horse racing handicapping right now and ask yourself if you are looking forward to the challenges of the day or dreading them? Are you merely resigned to another day of struggling to find winners or are you eager to start? I can tell you from personal experience that horse racing handicapping is very difficult and if you aren't passionate about it, you probably won't succeed unless you are very fortunate.
If it is only gambling and the associated thrills that you seek, there are easier ways to take chances. In fact, if you like gambling too much, then you probably would be better off finding some other hobby or job. Admittedly, when you bet you take a chance, but if you make a wager and think to yourself that it is real iffy as to whether or not you win, then you are probably leaning too heavily on luck and not using skill and research as much as professional handicappers use them.
If you want to learn how a horse owner and insider handicaps just go to and get the truth. Bill Peterson is a former horse race owner and professional handicapper. To see all Bill's horse racing material go to Horse Racing Handicapping, Bill's handicapping store.
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